Frances Dickinson

I’ve been an ocean baby all my life. I grew up swimming and diving in the North Sea as a kid and then travelled the world in search of sharks as a ‘big’ kid. I decided to come along to the ocean swimming group for the company and consistency that swimming in a group brings – there’s always someone to share the fun with!

Before I started swimming with the ‘pod’, I had really lost my motivation for getting in the water. I used to freedive regularly but got out of the habit. I began seeing the pod in the mornings down by the beach as I walked my dog and started pining for the water. So I got him a life jacket and grabbed my fins and mask and the rest is history.

I can’t describe the amount of joy that I get from swimming with the group. I’m a little different, because I swim with my mask and fins so I can freedive down to see the fish as we go on our adventures. I love to take photos too and am often a bit of a marine tour guide, pointing out all the great things for people to see below the waves. I absolutely love being out with the group – and with Sid too! He’s a great swim companion and official Pod mascot. He loves it so much he cries with excitement whenever we pull up at the beach.

My personal goals for my swimming are around consistency – to make sure I am getting in the water regularly and spending time with the pod and the fish. I would also love to keep sharing my passion for the ocean creatures with others, and help those who are a bit nervous about the sea animals to overcome their fears. There really is so much beauty under the waves and very little that can harm you! I have NEVER seen a shark on the Matakana coast… and believe me, I’ve tried!!!



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